Frosh Resources
Street teams
Your leaders and O-Staff are there if you need anything and have the knowledge to refer you to the resources you are looking for! They are the ones with the colored t-shirts that resemble yours, they will be pointed out to you on your first day of Frosh!
- Foot patrols in the Milton-Parc neighbourhood that provide direction, answer questions and keep the area safe
Your leaders and O-Staff are there if you need anything and have the knowledge to refer you to the resources you are looking for! They are the ones with the colored t-shirts that resemble yours, they will be pointed out to you on your first day of Frosh!
McGill Resources
McGill Security
McGill Nightline
Peer Support Center
The Office for Sexual Violence, Response, Support & Education (OSVRE)
Sexual Assault Centre of McGill Students’ Society (SACOMSS)
Student Wellness Hub (Brown Building)
Campus Life & Engagement (CL&E)
Office for Students with Disabilities
Dean of Students
- Downtown: (514) 398-3000
- Mac Campus: (514) 398-7777
- “Student-run volunteer service, supported by the Students' Society of McGill University (SSMU). [Their] mission is to provide a free and accessible first aid service to McGill University and the greater Montreal community.” At many of the large Frosh events MSERT will have a designated kiosk so they can intervene if needed.
- (514) 820-0943
McGill Nightline
- “Confidential, anonymous, and non-judgmental listening service run by McGill students.”
- (514) 398-6246
- “Free SSMU service. No matter what the reason, [their] WALKERs will get you from A to B, safely.” This is a service that you can call to have someone come pick you up at your location and walk you home. There is a limited perimeter of operation.
- (514) 398-2498
- A service that is very similar to walksafe; however, they come to pick you up by car and drive you to the location you want to go. The perimeter of operation is larger than that of walksafe.
- (514) 398-8040
Peer Support Center
- Student-run service of the Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU). [They] provide free, one-on-one, confidential and non-judgmental peer support and resource referral to all McGill students.
- (514) 398-3782
The Office for Sexual Violence, Response, Support & Education (OSVRE)
- Provides support for all members of the McGill community who have been impacted by sexual violence and works to foster a culture of consent on campus and beyond.
- Main Office: (514) 398-3954
- SV Response Advisor: (514) 398-4486
- SV Education Advisor: (514) 398-3786
- [email protected]
Sexual Assault Centre of McGill Students’ Society (SACOMSS)
- Volunteer-run organization committed to supporting survivors of sexual assault and their allies through direct support, advocacy, and outreach. [Their] services include Drop-In and Line (DIAL), Support Groups, Advocacy, and Outreach
- [email protected]
Student Wellness Hub (Brown Building)
- Provides a range of health services to support student's physical and mental health with a focus on awareness, prevention, and early intervention. The Student Wellness Hub has a variety of clinicians that provide one-on-one appointments and therapy groups.
- (514) 398-6017
- [email protected]
Campus Life & Engagement (CL&E)
- Go-to hub for connecting you to the resources and opportunities that will help you make the most of your time at McGill. Whether you are a new or returning student at McGill, you can depend on CL&E as a source for helping you navigate the University, connect to meaningful opportunities, and develop your interests and skills.
- (514) 398-6913
- c[email protected]
Office for Students with Disabilities
- Provides support services and reasonable accommodations to students of all levels of study with documented disabilities of either a permanent, temporary, or episodic nature.
- (514) 398-6009
- [email protected]
Dean of Students
- [They] oversee student rights and responsibilities, academic integrity, academic advising, the student disciplinary process, and student recognition. [Their] job is to listen, learn, advise, and advocate for your best McGill experience.
- (514) 398-4990
- [email protected]
Montreal Resources
Montreal Sexual Assault CentreMontréal Suicide Action
- 911
- 811
Montreal Sexual Assault CentreMontréal Suicide Action
- 514-723-4000
- +1 866-277-3553